Functional Lab Testing
In Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Coaching, we help you discover the roots of your health problems by using modern functional lab testing and functional interpretation, both can be performed easily in the comfort of your home via urine, stool, saliva and/or hair testing.​
Conventional approaches are much more intrusive and nonspecific. In our standard health care system, we tend to depend on medication and outdated diet plans/exercises. We treat symptoms rather than discovering the root cause, and prescribe programs that might be beneficial for one person and not for the next, and could be deadly for the third. There is a place for this type of care, but here, we thrive for an individually-tailored, multi-faceted and proven approach. We use in-depth intake forms to get to know you individually and thoroughly to establish trust and track progress and effects over time. This will help us create a unique custom protocol approach to build up the body's basic functions and cut down the metabolic chaos, thus boosting your body's innate healing capacity to be itself again, full of energy and life.
When we speak of functions, we refer to digestion, hormonal actions, immune-system, brain function, neurotransmitters, metabolic pathways, thyroid function, genetics, and physical structure. If there is a distortion in the normal activities of any of these closely interconnected functions and it is not properly managed, it can lead to a weakening of another functional system. Other functions are only affected because all metabolic activities work in synchronization.
What will be included in the custom protocol?
We hold the custom protocol in high esteem, as this is an important aspect of our healing therapy. We will be offering long-term solutions through one-on-one education.
We don't offer symptom treatment protocols. A lot of our work revolves around educating you for your individual needs and your unique biological blueprint. For one person, a meat diet may work well while for another it won’t, depending on their current health status. For some people, light training will bring enormous benefits while others might have to go through rigorous training to get back in shape.​
Take, for example, adrenal fatigue: one person might experience this condition because they worked hard for so long and have exhausted themselves, while for another it might be a genetic disorder. For some, it might surface as a result of stress, whether emotional or physical. Most professionals overlook the essential factors necessary for you to regain their energy and get back to enjoying normal daily activities, as you should be able to. ​
The custom protocol will address your entire lifestyle. We need a strong foundation to activate the innate healing capacity of our bodies! Just like a large kitchen table needs four strong legs to stand on, each leg supporting a different aspect. Let's assume that each leg represents different factors necessary for the healing process: an appropriate diet is represented by one leg, correct exercising by another, appropriate rest by another, and restful sleep by the last. We believe it is essential to strictly adhere to all procedures and in addition will recommend helpful tools to relieve emotional or physical trauma. Our work might help you quickly, but it may also take 3-12 months to get you fully back on track. It's like massage treatments – you get them on a regular basis and don't assume that all the pain magically disappears right away, even though it can and of course we aim for that!
Prevention & Education really is the key to staying healthy!

chronic illness
metabolic chaos
susceptibility to invasion
and genes turning off + other
stressors get added
long-term stressors depleting
your vital reserve

What lab testing is offered?
The lab tests we offer will be specifically chosen for you and will differ vastly from what your doctor may offer. We will use correlation from your intake forms/your symptomatology and, using our specialized training, interpret the lab test functionally so that instead of treating the test results, we look for clues about which body functions aren't working properly and think about how to best support them. For example, we might see a sluggish or fatty liver in your lab result, and while we can support the liver with various things, we ultimately want to find out what is putting a burden (mold, toxins, infections, anger) on the liver and then take care of that underlying problem to create lasting changes.
We can perform lab tests on some of the basic body systems such as: endocrine glands (adrenals, thyroid, lymph), digestive system (stomach, small intestine, large intestine), spleen, gallbladder, liver, and kidney. We might also need further testing for possible pathogenic infections, food sensitivities, inflammation, heavy metals/toxins, genetic SNPs errors, autoimmune diseases, etc. to speed up the healing journey or investigate beyond the basic functions. Again, we use a bio-individual approach according to your health status.
Do I really need to take the Supplements?
I am very passionate about high quality, herbal, non-toxic, organic, and clean supplements that are backed up by scientific research and work exceptionally well when chosen and used correctly. Through our investigation together, you will see that we only support or replenish what is truly in need, rather than encouraging you to take a large quantity of substances that you might think are the keys to good health. Supplements are a temporary solution and should not be taken for an extended period. And if they are, they should at least be natural so as not to harm you, the way drugs and medication can.
Are you scared, hesitant or already
overwhelmed to begin with?
You have absolutely no reason to shiver. We are well equipped with the right knowledge to decide the most suitable test that will uncover your metabolic chaos. A personal consultation will help you better understand your situation and how best to address it. I will guide you to ensure a smooth and transformational healing journey.
Everything we will uncover is a healing opportunity that can lead to tremendous growth and liberation.
​How frequently do you suggest coaching sessions?
As you go along with the program, We will make adjustments to foster the course of action according to your needs and healing response. Regular coaching every 2-3 weeks may bring quicker results but is not always necessary. I have plenty of tools to work with, and as your health coach, will recommend them as needed. For retesting every 3-6 months may be recommend for course correction.
We want to follow the thread to the root cause to bring genuine true healing. This will not happen in a short time. It takes three months for a doctor to administer an antidepressant drug and then three more to get off them. Together with empathy, patience, and acceptance, we have to trust and listen to your body's needs and guidance. A one-size-fits-all approach, as is the typical paradigm followed by modern medicine, won't work, as much as we would like it to. For some people, the root cause may be hidden under many years or even decades of ignoring our body's basic needs which leads to more issues down the road or even misdiagnosis.
For difficult cases, we have access to clinical advisors, mentors, and doctors who are ready to help.
All coaching will be done online via Zoom and email correspondence and includes:
3 months of unlimited email support (limited to short/simple questions)
A 60minute consultation
Full health history review
DRES (diet, rest, exercise, sleep) suggestions
3-month supplement protocol
20% discount on supplements
​List of Lab Tests
(We have access to many more laboratory test as needed.)
All labs are 'self-order' and will be used solely for educational interpretation purposes. Lab results are NOT used to diagnose, treat, or manage medical conditions. Also, lab availability varies depending on where you live.
Organic Acid Test (at home urine collection)
Wellness Blood Panel (blood draw at Quest laboratories, additional markers are possible)
Hair Mineral analyses (1tsp of hair, at home test)
DUTCH adrenal and hormone panel (at home urine and saliva test)
Thyroid Panel, advanced (blood draw at Quest laboratories)
Zoomer Food Sensitivity Testing (blood draw at laboratory)
MRT food sensitivity testing via inflammatory markers (blood draw at laboratory)
Gut Microbiome with Viome (at home stool collection)
Metabolic Panel (at home urine collection)
Intestinal Permeability (at home urine collection)
Heavy Metal Urine (24 hour at home urine collection)
Heavy Metal Stool (at home stool collection)
Markers each lab explores:
Inborn errors of metabolism
B-Vitamin deficiencies
Gut dysbiosis
Impaired fatty acid metabolism
Poor carbohydrate metabolism or ketosis
Neurotransmitter metabolism
Mitochondrial dysfunction
Oxidative Stress
Poor detoxification
Mold and Fungal infection
Complete blood count
Metabolic panel
Lipid Panel
Iron Panel
Additional markers
Functional correlation to each elevated or depleted marker
Heavy metals (hidden and immediate)
Thyroid and Adrenal function
Metabolic rate
How well you are detoxing
Daily Cortisol (x4)
Daily Cortisone (x4)
Cortisol Metabolites
Progesterone metabolites (2)
Estrogen metabolites (8)
Androgen metabolites (Testosterone)
Free T4
Free T3
209 commonly consumed food antigens
IgG and IgA sensitivity to food antigens
170 commonly consumed food antigens
measuring volumetric changes in all circulating white cells after antigen challenge
Using Metatranscriptomic Sequencing Technology
Wellness meter
Gut score
Metabolic Score
Body Score / Lifestyle choices
Gut Intelligence (bacteria, archaea, eukaryote, viruses)
Microbiome diversity
Bile Acids > Liver function
Peroxides > Oxidative stress
Indican > Protein digestion and absorption
Small intestinal absorption and barrier function in the bowel
Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Cesium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Gadolinium, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Palladium, Phosphorus, Platinum, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Strontium, Sulfur, Tellurium, Thallium, Thorium, Tin, Tungsten, Uranium, Vanadium, Zinc.
Antimony, Arsenic, Beryllium, Bismuth, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Platinum, Thallium, Tungsten, Uranium.