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Marlen Brauns
Jan 31, 20235 min read
The Benefits of Testosterone for Men and Women.
Testosterone has been getting a bad rap in our modern state of affairs. In this post I would like to share some positive facts on this...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 29, 20235 min read
The copper and iron link.
Copper is one of my favorite topics because: Its supports energy production It prevents iron deficient anemia Iron deficiency anemia is a...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 27, 20233 min read
The Biological Importance of Potassium.
K+ Potassium is an intracellular electrolyte that carries a small electrical charge, which activates various cell and nerve functions. It...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 26, 20233 min read
Cravings and Deficiencies – Binge Eating Peanut Butter?
In this post I want to briefly address why we might be cravings foods and even start binge eating certain foods, but still feel hungry. I...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 24, 20234 min read
Low Carb, High Anxiety
It was one of my biggest pitfalls. Cutting out all carbohydrates because I had infections, low energy, and sleep issues. For some reason...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 23, 20235 min read
The Amazing Benefits Of Raw Carrot Salad.
I want to talk about a special recipe that can help you to: Lower estrogen Combat bacterial growth Reduce inflammation Promote weight...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 21, 20234 min read
What is Estrogen Detox?
What is estrogen movement, popularly known as "estrogen detox"? In my last post, I talked about estrogen accumulation, also known as...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 20, 20234 min read
Let's Talk about Estrogen and Estrogen Dominance.
Estrogen is a powerful and important hormone, and it sure needs to be respected. But it’s not the only hormone out there, and can be...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 19, 20234 min read
Are fiber rich / low carb foods really that good for us? America is a constipated nation.... If you pass small stools, you have to have...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 18, 20236 min read
Why Soak Grains?
When it comes to grains, people will argue until the cows come home. The biggest argument against them is usually two things: 1. They...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 16, 20235 min read
The Truth About Intermittent Fasting.
Or shall I say, 'skipping breakfast and starving ourselves'? That's really what intermittent fasting is. Intermittent fasting is supposed...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 15, 20233 min read
The term “prometabolic” is thrown around a lot these days.
Sounds fancy - but what does it even mean? Is it just another gimmicky trend like "low-carb" or "plant-based"? Does it involve more food...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 13, 20233 min read
Are hair loss and fatigue connected?
Let’s dive into an interesting angle on hair loss. Nobody likes losing their hair so we all try to buy the best external products to get...
Marlen Brauns
Jan 12, 20234 min read
What Chronic Dieting and Stress does to your Body.
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? Mood Swings Fertility issues Insulin resistance Poor sleep Hair loss Missing / Painful...
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